Video - Varda Kotler Musique
Charles Gounod Charles Gounod: Mon bien-aimé , Le Cantique des cantiques |
Maurice Ravel : Vocalise creates a Spanish fantasy in a french mystic - exotic mood. |
HITRAGUT: Traditional Sefaradi Berceuse in Hebrew language Music Arrangement by Composer Paul Ben Haim. |
Henri purcell: Music for a while. Varda Kotler Soprano ,Israel Kastoriano Pianist. |
Luciano Berio:Folk songs,Varda Kotler,Lior Shambadal Conductor,Live Performance: Our Best Greetings to prince william and kate middelton's wedding.: Luciano Berio:Folk Songs - Azerbaijan love song |
Luciano Berio: Folk Songs - Loosin yelav |
LUCIANO BERIO:Folk Songs - Lo Fiolair : |
Luciano Berio Folk songs: La Donna Ideale : |
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